Monday, February 25, 2008

Bachelor till the Rapture

My dearest loved ones,

It has been too long since my last post. I am very sorry for dropping the ball. Yall need to know what is going on in my life.....or I need you to know what is going on in my life. I want to make this easy to follow so I will break my life down into subjects: school, work site, staff, friends, personal growth.

School: The past weeks I have focused on having the kids memorize John 3:16. Original...I know. However, I thought I should start with the foundation of our faith. It has been great to hear the pronunciation of this verse in English. For instance, I constantly hear the following: "fo Goud so loubed theh would thawt....". Not only are they learning English through scripture, but also entertaining me in the process.

Work site: I have not spent too much time here....because they are busy leveling the land out. I do enjoy witnessing DR work ethics...which consists of working for 2 minutes then telling 8 minutes stories.....laziness in action. Wait...kind of like city workers in the US.

Staff: I love the people I work with soo much. God has truly blessed our relationships and drawn us closer.

Friends: I love my friends here on the island. My BF, Layne, continues to be my accountability partner even though I do not live in the same town as he does. While in Puerto Plata, I have become closer friends with our next door neighbor, John. He is a very awkward 17 year old German/Dominican. Pray that this relationship blossoms. He comes over every day.

Personal Growth: Right now, God has been showing me that my view of success down here is meaningless. He has his own idea in mind. This has included a sense of humility and letting God really take control of the reigns in my life.


I am still short ONE THOUSAND dollars....
My friend John
Uncle Steve with Colon Cancer
Patience with staff members and kids
Reaching more people for Christ
Spanish skill

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