Monday, November 26, 2007

English Class

I am starting an English class with some older kids in the village: pray. it will be awesome.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall in the DR

What can I say? I am living in the Dominican Republic. Crazy. Sometimes I still feel like it is a dream and I am going to wake up back in Texas. Most 23 year old guys do not spend their year after college in another country. Although times get tough, I feel truly blessed that I have this opportunity to serve and be changed by Christ. I wish I could have yall walk in my shoes for a week or so. Each day when I arrive at school I am attacked by 10 or more beautiful children screaming my name. Consistency in these kids lives is so POWERFUL. They are experiencing the love of Christ through us. Not only are we able to provide for their hunger and educational needs, but also showing them the unfailing love of God. These people have nothing. Do you know what most kids suffer with? Besides lacking healthy love all the time, they struggle to have a full stomach (one not full of parasites), many contract weird skin fungi or bacterial infections because of the poor sanitation, most kids have rotting teeth due to poor education, bad diet, and not being able to afford a dentist. God calls us to the poor. I really encourage every one of yall to remember this. YOU do not have to jump in a plane to minister to the poor. There are thousands of AMERICANS (including our brothers and sisters in Christ) that barely scrape by to put food on the table on a daily basis. When was the last time you went to bed hungry? What if you didn't own a pair of shoes or had only one shirt? If you were a kid and coke and water cost the same, what would you buy? Ridiculous? No just truth.

I love what it says in James 1:27: "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

We should ask ourselves this very simple question: are we caring for those in distress? Think of the people even in our churches....the single mothers who struggle to make enough to feed their kids. What if we sacrificed one of our American luxuries to provide basic necessities for a child in need. Remember, we never know when we are entertaining angels.

Thanks so much for your prayers and financial support. I will be home in five weeks!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Preschool Days

Como tu ta? This week was great besides Tropical Storm Noel. Therefore, school was cancelled nationwide. Instead, I spent the week doing odd jobs and learning first aid and financial planning from our head doctor. It was fantastic. I learned so much about my finances and saving kids lives. Well, I wanted to spend this excerpt to layout what I do during the preschool program. So, here it goes:

We being our class with circle time. This consists of singing the days of the week and numbers 1-10...(You should see the kids energy). After our beautiful vocal exercises, we have the kids tell us an interesting story from the night before or the morning. Every day, at least three of the kids stand up and tell a story about a dog and cat fighting. Sometimes death is involved or a frog pops up in the tale. Next, we break the students up into different stations which include puzzles, blocks, reading, and the learning table. Camille and I call up students and work one on one showing them how to write out letters and count. Sometimes it tests my patience, but it is truly rewarding when a child understands. Towards the end of class, we serve the students lunch (bread, egg, banana, milk, vitamin). Some of our kids eat more than others.....mostly looking like feverish animals as they divulge. We repeat this schedule every day. Although it seems repetitious, these kids are developmentally behind compared to American children. We are forming a good foundation for them to learn. They will excel beyond their peers which attend regular Dominican public schools. I am happy that I get to be a part of educational development down in this needy country.

les extrano
